Saturday, February 13, 2010

Nothing Coming

I've been sitting here for almost two hours now, and I've got nothing. I've had another issue on the same magnitude as the car trouble hit, and I'm just not focused. I'll have a few nights to work with it though.

Tomorrow, I'm going to sit down and start hammering out a writing exercise. Hopefully that'll help snap me back into things. But for now, I'm going to chill out before going to bed.


  1. Good luck! I have had two days like that, nothing to put on paper, it has driven me crazy, but I am thinking today might be a different story!

  2. Well, I'm later to sitting down than expected. Who could've guessed that housework could be therapeutic? But I'm going to get some writing done before I sleep. :)

    @Marion - Thanks for the kind comments!
